- Use barbless hooks. If you use a net, use one made of rubber. It is less harmful to fish scales, gills and eyes. Only net your fish if it is the only way to control it.
- Wet your hands when handling fish. Dry hands and gloves will remove its protective mucous (slime) coating and scales. These protective layers help prevent infection by waterborne disease. Do not beach a fish or let it flop around the deck of the boat.
- Try not to remove the fish from the water. If you must, be quick and gentle, do not squeeze the fish. Needle nose pliers, hemostats, de-hookers etc., will speed up the removal of a deep set hook.
- To revive the fish, hold it under the belly and by the tail, keep it in an upright position underwater, do not move the fish back and forth (this is also a good time to get a measurement and take a photo). If you are fishing in a river or stream, hold the fish facing the current. Be patient and give the fish as much time as it needs to recover and swim away on its own.
35.9160, -82.5887 Big Laurel Creek- Mars hill watershed to Rice mill dam
35.8263, -82.7831 Big Pine Creek (S.R. 1151 bridge to French Broad River)
35.8113, -82.5137 Little Ivy Creek (confluence of Middle Fork and Paint Fork at Beech Glen to confluence with Ivy Creek at Forks of Ivy)
35.8000, -82.9605 Max Patch Pond
35.8282, -82.8677 Meadow Fork Creek
35.9146, -82.5461 Puncheon Fork- Hampton creek to big laurel
35.8183, -82.9001 Roaring Fork Fall Branch to Meadow Fork
35.9524, -82.7177 Shelton Laurel Creek- Headwaters to NC 208 bridge at Belva
35.8863, -82.8764 Shut-In Creek
35.8318, -82.8551 Spring Creek- Junction NC 209 & NC 63 to lower USF service boundry
35.9158, -82.7573 Big Laurel Creek (NC 208 bridge to the US 25-70 bridge)
35.9253, -82.7527 Shelton Laurel Creek (NC 208 bridge at Belva to the confluence with Big Laurel Creek)
35.8857, -82.8298 Spring Creek N.C. 209 bridge at Hot Springs city limits to iron bridge at end of Andrews Avenue