Mitchell County NC Trout Streams

Mitchell County NC Trout Streams


  • Use barbless hooks. If you use a net, use one made of rubber. It is less harmful to fish scales, gills and eyes. Only net your fish if it is the only way to control it.
  • Wet your hands when handling fish. Dry hands and gloves will remove its protective mucous (slime) coating and scales. These protective layers help prevent infection by waterborne disease. Do not beach a fish or let it flop around the deck of the boat.
  • Try not to remove the fish from the water. If you must, be quick and gentle, do not squeeze the fish. Needle nose pliers, hemostats, de-hookers etc., will speed up the removal of a deep set hook.
  • To revive the fish, hold it under the belly and by the tail, keep it in an upright position underwater, do not move the fish back and forth (this is also a good time to get a measurement and take a photo). If you are fishing in a river or stream, hold the fish facing the current. Be patient and give the fish as much time as it needs to recover and swim away on its own.

36.0694, -82.2101 Big Rock Creek- Headwaters to NC 226 bridge at SR 1307 intersection

36.0125, -82.1385 Cane Creek- SR1219 to NC 226 bridge

35.8656, -82.0463 East Fork Grassy Creek

35.8895, -82.0655 Grassy Creek- East fork grassy creek to mouth

36.0540, -82.1688 Little Rock Creek- Green creek bridge to big rock creek

35.9069, -82.0297 North Toe River- Avery Co. line to SR 1121 bridge

36.0145, -82.1590 Cane Creek N.C. 226 bridge to N.C. 80 bridge

37.0625, -95.6770 North Toe River U.S. 19E bridge to N.C. 226 bridge

36.0590, -82.1180 Green Creek- Headwaters to green creek bridge

36.0740, -82.0935 Little Rock Creek

36.1184, -82.1818 Wiles Creek- Game land boundry to mouth

36.0768, -82.3450 Nolichucky River